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Concrete Experts Ready To Help!

Our team of Denver Concrete Experts are ready to help! Regardless of whether or not you choose to work with Denver Concrete Inc, our team of concrete experts will help you plan out your project, give you a comprehensive estimate and even help do-it-yourselfers! We genuinely love concrete and what we do. Give us a call today and let us help you with your concrete project.

Located in Central Denver

Denver Concrete Inc is proud to be a part of the community in Globeville.

In a world where concrete contractors do not return calls, miss appointments and fail to respond, Denver Concrete Inc is different. We have heard many times from our customers that they were pleasantly surprised when our experts showed up to the estimate on time and actually did come through with what they had said they would.

Denver Concrete Inc authentically works every day to make our team better at communication with customers and most importantly executing on the projects we have committed to. We strive to be Denver's premiere concrete contractor every day.


Located in central Denver (right at I-70 and I-25), Denver Concrete Inc is perfectly located to reach almost any part of the Denver Metro Area inside of minutes. Our concrete experts are always out in the field reviewing projects and visiting prospective projects.

If you are looking to get pricing on your project or you just have a couple of questions, please call / text / email us! Fill out the form below for a quick response from our team!


We proudly offer concrete resurfacing services. Otherwise known as an overlay, Denver Concrete Inc has a dedicated crew that can bring your concrete driveway or patio back to life for half the cost of new concrete!

When your concrete expert from Denver Concrete Inc comes to give an in-person estimate, they will immediately assess what other options are available to repair the concrete. Most property owners are looking for the best solution with a limited budget. It is not every home owner's goal to replace damaged concrete. We have options!